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New Life Center 220 Adelaide St, North, London Ontario, N6B3H4 Canada, Pastor Carl Thomas (519) 438-7036 Sun - Friday 10 am & 7 pm Directions : From the 401, take Wellington Road about 3mi, turn right onto Commissioner for about 1 mile, take a left onto Adelaide for about 2 miles. New Life Center is on the right hand side, just before the bridge. The church was started about 7 years ago by Pastor Carl and Sherryl Thomas. They got touched in a revival with Bill Wilson about one and a half years ago and have been in the River of God ever since. The church had 20 weeks of revival last year and are still hungry for more. We had two great services Sunday am & pm. The church was almost full Sunday Sunday night about 10 people rededicated their lives to the Lord. Many came forward for the Touch of God. A number of children began weeping as the glory of God touched them. A young boy of about 9 wept for about 45 minutes. The pastor's wife from Amhurstburg, Ontario, the first church in Canada we had revival in, attended the Sunday pm service together with a lady who had been backslidden and got touched in our meetings in 1995. The lady testified to the changing power of God in her life. She had been depressed most of her life and God set her totally free. The pastor's wife and this lady, now have a ministry to hurting and abused women and travel all over Ontarian to share what God has done for them. One evening, I preached on the "Life Changing Power of God". Using Acts 8 & 9 on the conversion of Saul. The power of God fell in the place. A man who had been asking God for the joy for over a year, got filled with intense joy during the preaching. A lady fell on the floor in the aisle and began to swim. What an awesome outpouring of the Spirit. About 12 people responded to the altar call to rededicate their lives to Jesus. During the final part of the evening we prayed for many who got touched by the power of God. A number of children and teenagers received a mighty infilling of the Holy Ghost. Several children again began to weep intensely as the power of the Holy Ghost touched them. A lady received such a mighty touch that at first she thought that she would die, then began to laugh uncontrollably when she realized that God was just blessing her. The rest of the week was awesome. The morning meetings were well attended and I spoke on the Anointing. During the evening meetings, we had about 54 respond to the altar calls. Many were touched and blessed. The testimonies were powerful. By Thursday night the ushers had to bring in some more chairs. This was definitely a highlight of the week. The power of God seemed to be like liquid in the building. People were just overwhelmed by the presence of God. It was an upper room night. Friday night every available space was taken up with 325 chairs and about 30 standing. Many different churches, some from as far south as Amhurstburg, Ont (2.5hrs) and Flint, Mi. came each night and some folk came from Toronto and further North. What a great blessing. The Canadians are extremely hungry for and open to the Holy Spirit. Expect to see much more happening in Canada and NE USA during the next year.
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