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Fires of Revival - Burning towards the year 2000
By Gil Howard-Browne (Comment by Gil 7/20/07 - It is interesting to note the highlighted section in the
middle. The church and country has been going through some heavy times of sifting and I believe change is
coming soon)
We have less than 9 months until the year 2000. The world is getting ready for the biggest party we have ever seen.
Some are chartering Jumbo's at thousands of dollars a ticket and planning in flight parties close to the international
date line, so they can be first to enter the new century. There is fear in some hearts that the year 2000 will usher in
Armageddon or the antichrist.
But I have an excitement and anticipation for this great event. I feel that the next two years are going to be great
revival years. God has spent the last several years grooming us for what comes next.
Every new century has ushered in a great new wave of God's blessings. The early 1700's saw such great revivalists
as John and Charles Wesley and the Methodist revival. Then in 1801 came the great outpouring in Cane Ridge
Kentucky, that drew crowds of from 10,000 to 20,000 Christians and non Christians.
At the start of the 1900’s, God surprised the Christian community with the Azusa Street revival that impacted the
world and gave birth to the rapidly growing Pentecostal movement.
But each of these outpourings were preceded by a few decades of change and preparation. Each one had to deal
with the religious and social attitudes of the day. Each new wave was stronger and able to go further because God
had changed hearts and broken down religious traditions beforehand.
This present wave of blessing, has been instrumental in breaking down walls of tradition in many Christians from
across the denominational spectrum. We have witnessed attitudes towards the demonstration of the power of God
change over the past eight years. There is less skepticism among pastors and laymen and greater hunger and
desire for more of the supernatural manifestation of God.
Nobody could have foreseen the extent to which the present wave of revival has spread. However, it was just the
stirrings. God's way of getting our attention and breaking us out of the religious mould we were in.
The next two years are going to be a time of equipping the body of Christ to be ready for the Tsunami (the giant
tidal wave) of blessing that is coming. If it had come sooner, we would not have been able to cope with the
increase. But God is building a new zeal, obedience, compassion and readiness into His Church.
We have entered 1999 with a new zeal and excitement. This is going to be a great year. But we need to work more
closely, helping and encouraging each other, so that we may foster the spirit of revival. A united front of blood
washed, Holy Ghost empowered, word believing Christians, running with the fire of God to touch a hungry and
hurting world.